Session II: For the Current Law Student

July 6 - July 31, 2009
Honolulu, Hawaii

It comes as no surprise to many who are reading this that it is impossible to overstate how important one’s first year grades are. Nearly every law firm recruiter and judge will base a decision based upon those few marks.

For many, the process of studying law begins with the best of intentions…but ends with feelings of confusion, despair, and hopelessness. That ends now.

The experts—graduates of Tier 1 law schools, law review, and partners in national law firms—will come together in an experiment to right a wrong. To “rebuild” a law student who has gone astray, who has not been able to master the law in the way it must be mastered to score well in law school (and, indeed, in law practice).

We believe that nearly all law students have what it takes to shine…to learn the law as it is needed in the very biggest, best practices, and to show such improvement in the very real world of law school exams.

We cannot guarantee a top job…but we can guarantee a brighter future. Taking whatever it is that you experienced in first year and making it far, far better. Even the most hardened recruiter will take notice. (We know, because some of us are that recruiter.)

You are welcome to read the resources suggested in the Session I page, of course, but chances are you already know this, all too well. Instead, if you are interested, please send us an email at We will respond with a note and also put your name on a list, in order, for contact should we be able to offer this program this year. We’ll provide additional information on the instructors as well as a sequence of topics and approaches that might confirm the value to your second and third years. With those we think you’ll agree that this is the opportunity of a career that might otherwise be foreclosed to you.

The program of study will be six hours per day, four days per week, plus an integrated team-session day on Fridays. The pedagogy will be blended, both instructional and facilitative (i.e., brief lecturing, whole-class activities, and more focused activities centered on specific legal topics); individual and team, with a series of exercises and exams to maximize the approach while maintaining an enjoyable, collegial, energized atmosphere conducive to legal analysis. Total instructional time: 88 hours.

Program cost: $4,550, not including room and board or transportation costs. (Additional information will be prepared to minimize these additional costs, which in any event will be dictated by factors beyond the program’s control. The anticipated total cost is likely to be $6,000 plus airfare.)

Not inexpensive, we know, but as the saying goes, we know that you’re worth it.

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